CCTV Taiping, Kampar, Gopeng, Tapah, Bidor

We'll Custom Build CCTV Surveillance System For Your Home / Office / Factory

If anything happens, our CCTV Surveillance System will notify you & allow you to react to the situation and prevent massive troubles (24 Hours / 7 Days).

Some of Our clients

The Problems You Might Faced

False Alarm

False alarm:

too much time wasted on false alarms triggered by pets, insects, leaves and other non-target objects.

Timely Alert

Late response:

can only rely on video playback for confirmation after an event.

Visual Verify

Difficult evidence retrieval:

lack of effective evidence with uncolored images at night.

Our Smart Ai CCTV System is Perfectly Suitable For


Landed House / Condominium

No matter you staying on a condo, double terrace, semi-D, bungalow or even gated guarded. Surveillance camera is still a must as the various blind spots around your home that you can’t see from your windows so that if you hear an unusual noise or would like some extra peace of mind, you can check the perimeter of your property without having to leave your home. Not only is this safer, it is also less stressful.


office / retail store / restaurant

Installing a workplace surveillance system can replace expensive security guards while increasing the reliability and accountability to near 100% by providing real time remote video surveillance. we understand the security challenges that commercial businesses face on a daily basis, including the risk of theft, liability, vandalism, and dishonest employee behaviour.


Factory / Warehouse Construction Site

Even if everyone in your factory or warehouse is extremely careful 100% of the time, accidents can still happen, and having security cameras in your factory or warehouse will not only cut down on insurance costs, but bring you peace of mind at the end of the day.

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To manage a large apartment or condo units, surveillance systems make it easy to monitor shared areas and parking lots. It not only helps reduce liability, but it creates a safer environment for tenants and helps deter unwelcome visitors. As a company with proven knowledge of property management security, we can design a video security system that’s specifically catered to your needs.

Key Features of Our CCTV System

Auto Notification

Remote Access anytime anywhere. No need to sit before computer or TV or check your phone frequently just to make sure your home and premises is safe. Get notify in a blink of an eye if anything happens to prevent massive troubles.

1 Way Communication

When you get notified through push notifications, SMS or phone call, the built-in microphones and speakers on our CCTV allows you to talk to the intruders directly to prevent massive damage.

HUman Detection

Instant notification will pop out and the built-in siren will ring the moment any suspicious human movement is detected by the security system. Smart and reliable. It only reacts to real dangers & not to false alarm such as dogs or even cats.

Clear Vision Even Night

Our CCTV provide exceptional image quality both during the day and at night. Unlike other options which only work well during the day, they are capable of also capturing high-quality up to 8MP and 4K colored video footage at night.

Morning Night

Schedule a 30 Minutes FREE CCTV Consultation Today!

In these 30 Minutes, we will understand your current Home/Office situation

What Our Clients Said

Over 120+ Customers Rate 5 Stars For Our Services


Fill in your details & we will contact you within 24 hours for a FREE Consultation!

Visit Us at

OSD Network & Security (Wholly owned by Office Supplies Depot Sdn Bhd)

Wisma OSD No. 11, Jalan Dato Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.

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