Some of Our clients

Barrier Gate is a low-cost way to improve security and privacy, monitor and control the flow of traffic in and out of your property.
The 5 special features
Our traffic detector auto reverse the barrier arm if there is an obstacle (car or people) passing through.
Open barrier gate up to 10 m earlier and avoid long queue due to car stopping to flash card.
The sticker is designed work perfectly fine despite you have installed TnG RFID sticker.
The double encryption, CCTV picture capture and additional anti passback security help makes your guard house 4 times safer.
We offer full spare part and repairing service locally for your convenience. Get it fixed faster to minimize down time that can cause security threat.
In these 30 Minutes, we will understand your current Home/Office situation
Wisma OSD No. 11, Jalan Dato Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.